2020 Website Features

Posted on 20 December 2019

With the new year fast approaching and all those fresh ideas coming up here and there. Here is what features we expect will come with 2020. At least what we hope we may see in the New Year.

Dark and Light mode

It’s getting more and more common place, form Windows to YouTube. Dark mode is taking over and with some CSS rules. There are ways of detecting if a browser has this enabled or not. Although after testing this feature on Firefox and it not going to plan. This doesn’t mean to say that Browser versions that will come about next year will have the same issues.


We’ve heard a lot of rumors about accessibility and SEO. This may also partially include our dark/light mode as there is always room for high contrast. It’s a definite that Google loves usability and with options like larger font. Making on-screen reading better compatible with certain code. This one looks to be one to watch.


With mobile devices picking up more and more. The simplicity of the way websites look as time has moved has certainly become more prominent. It’s all for ease of use and being easy to use across a range of devices as well as fast often means dropping features that you may only see on desktop device.

5G Checking

This is more theoretical than anything and may not be the case (at least not until further down the line) but 5G is planned to be much faster than 4G. If you’re running a new mobile device connected to 5G and your speed is faster than your old setup. What’s not to say that media (photos/videos) being delivered couldn’t be delivered to match your connection speed as well as your device?

Anyway, that’s 4 Ideas we’ve got about the idea and it looks like there may be a lot more Google and Bing will be implementing too but we’ll have to hold out till that one… it’s not like we’ve got 2020 vision.

On that note. Have yourself an amazing Christmas and terrific New Year!


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