The Blog

Facebook Advertising: Lead Forms vs. Custom Landing Pages

Posted on 23 May 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, Facebook advertising remains a cornerstone for businesses looking to engage with a vast audience. Two popular methods for capturing leads on Facebook are Lead Forms and Custom Landing Pages. Each approach has its distinct advantages and can be more suitable depending on the specific goals and context of …Read more.

How to make your own “Font Awesome”

Posted on 31 October 2023

Recently we updgraded the Plexaweb website and wanted to make some things a bit leaner to gain on performance. One thing we did notice was the size of the font awesome font and CSS was massive in comparison to the handful of icons we used. To get around this we decided to DIY it. Download …Read more.

3 Different ways you can get VoIP setup on your cell phone

Posted on 1 September 2023

Cell phone VoIP? For a lot of businesses, we know that having the ability to be reached on your business phone number can be an absolute necessity regardless of if you’re at the office, home, or out on a job that requires you to be at a customer’s site. To get started we’ll go over …Read more.

Geo-Targeted Pages vs. AdSense: Maximizing Traffic from Physical Areas

Posted on 19 June 2023

Introduction: In the digital age, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to reach their target audience. For companies with physical locations, attracting local customers is essential. Two popular methods to drive traffic from specific geographical areas are geo-targeted pages and AdSense. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits and considerations of each approach, helping …Read more.

How to Use ld+json Schema Markup for FAQ’s so They Show Up on Google Search

Posted on 15 March 2023

If you’re looking to improve your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) and drive more traffic to your site, implementing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) is a great way to achieve this. However, to make your FAQ section more visible and effective, you need to optimize it with schema markup, specifically ld+json. In this article, we’ll explore …Read more.

Forwarding Ports on a pfSense Firewall for Website Access

Posted on 15 March 2023

In this guide, we will embark on the process of forwarding ports on a pfSense firewall for a website, with a focus on port 80 (HTTP) and HTTPS port (443) on pfSense. This will ensure that your local server is accessible from the external world. Before we dive into the process, it is essential to …Read more.

How to use PHP to add breadcrumbs to your WordPress theme

Posted on 13 March 2023

If you’re using WordPress for your website or blog, you’re likely familiar with Yoast SEO plugin. One of the features of Yoast SEO is the breadcrumb trail, which helps visitors navigate your site and understand where they are in the site hierarchy. While Yoast SEO automatically generates breadcrumbs for most themes, if you’re using a …Read more.

How to Use a PHP Function to Hide the Quantity of an Item on a WooCommerce Website

Posted on 12 March 2023

If you want to hide the quantity of a product on your WooCommerce website, using a PHP function is an effective way to achieve this goal. This article will guide you through the steps of using a PHP function to hide the quantity of an item on your WooCommerce website. Understanding the Importance of a …Read more.

How to Speed Up a WordPress Website: 10 Key Techniques for Optimisation

Posted on 6 March 2023

A slow website can have a significant negative impact on user experience, search engine rankings, and conversions. When it comes to WordPress, slow website speed can be due to various reasons such as using heavy themes, plugins, unoptimised images, and a sluggish database. Fortunately, there are several techniques available to help you speed up your …Read more.

How to Set Up an SSL IMAP Email Account on an iPhone 14

Posted on 6 March 2023

Email communication has become an integral part of modern life, and the security of emails has become increasingly important. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a security protocol that encrypts the communication between the mail server and your device, ensuring that your emails cannot be intercepted or read by third parties. In this article, we will …Read more.

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