Our tips for working from home

Posted on 3 April 2020

work from home

With the current COVID-19 crisis happening across the globe, many people are being forced to work from home. Some small business owners do this already and big businesses also have staff work from home too. For those that are new to it, you may have noticed some struggles. Even the people doing it for years may also be facing the same or similar struggles.


Settings a schedule is helpful because it allows you to keep your work and home time separate without working late into the night or spending time when you should be working doing other things you would normally save for the weekend. This can be a pro of working from home. You can definitely be more flexible with your schedule. Just make sure you stick to it though. Routine is healthy.


Working in cramped conditions or swapping from the kitchen to the dining room can become tedious. Try and setup a permanent area to work from if you can. Make sure you’ve got a comfortable seat and preferably a desk that you can dedicate just to work purposes.


You don’t want to burn yourself out. Make sure you also make breaks part of your schedule and stick to the length of these. Try not to let them overrun if you can avoid it.


People with young children and pets may find this one hard to implement. This goes back to having a dedicated work area and asking other members of your household to respect your dedicated area where you are working from. Ideally in a spare bedroom and out the way of the kitchen, bathroom and living room if you can.


This is a great way of staying productive and avoiding procrastination. From previous research it’s clear that a lot of studies suggest that by listing more specific tasks you’ll be more likely to sticking to achieving these. For lists we use Microsoft To-Do, it’s a great little Windows App that can also be installed on smartphone and tablet devices.

Separate phone line

Keeping your personal and work calls is something that probably should be essential if you’re not doing it already. It allows you to differentiate and even shut off when you need to. An easy way of implementing this is with dual sim, something that you may find on your smartphone today. This is definitely something you’ll find on a lot of Samsung devices.

That concludes this little article but if you’ve got any more tips on working from, please feel free to send them into us – info@plexaweb.co.uk


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