5 Reasons Why We Love WordPress

Posted on 15 December 2020

When we started building websites, we didn’t have much time for WordPress. 100% of our website builds were 100% bespoke. One problem we kept coming to was that… developing bespoke features comes at a price.


There are over 50,000 plugins for WordPress. Free, paid, free with paid extras. That’s 50,000 plugins that could possibly solve a solution where a bespoke solution isn’t necessary. This was just the ticket for us at Plexaweb. Building a brochure site takes a similar amount of time for us if it’s built 100% bespoke or with WordPress at its core. This is because we build bespoke themes and that means that the time saved is generally only if a content management system is required or if additional development work is required. With all the plugins available in most cases we can utilize these. In some cases we do build bespoke plugins too; effectively the outcome is always that anything is possible when we build a website.

Content Management System

Or CMS for short! This is the area behind WordPress where you go to edit content, add blog posts, upload media, manage your plugins, and more! With a fully bespoke website, this is fully bespoke too. Building a fully bespoke CMS takes a lot of time and costs a lot. Generally, the WordPress CMS is enough for most businesses we have dealt with to-date.


Every once in a while someone will have a really low budget. In these cases, it’s impossible to create a whole new theme from scratch (although our preferred method) so we can utilize a theme already made or create a child theme. By using a child theme we basically take a ready-made theme and add extras to improve it further and make it more unique for the business using it. This is especially useful for eCommerce sites where you’ve got a lot of styling involved that could be common for things like checkout pages, etc.


Because WordPress is an open-source platform it means that a lot of people can contribute and improve it further. Thus making it potentially more secure for free as time goes on. With a fully bespoke site, things need to be upgraded once in a while to continue adequate security. With extras, WordPress can be made even more secure yet!


There is a massive community behind WordPress. This means that developing new plugins can be put together quickly as we can utilize code already available, get help where needed and whenever needed as the global market for WordPress is so big it doesn’t matter if some of those users are currently offline.

That concludes our post on why we ❤ WordPress. For more details on getting your website designed with WordPress please get in touch today!

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