Bespoke CMS or generic CMS

Posted on 19 February 2018

PHP Code

We see it a lot… follow a link and slow but why? The web page isn’t that complex, the images aren’t big and there isn’t any big full-screen video backgrounds. What could explain this bizarre situation? Poor server? Broadband provider is restricting the connection? No… it’s just another site that has unnecessarily used a heavily bloated CMS – content management system.

What’s a content management system?

A content management system is basically a user friendly system for making changes to a website. WordPress, Joomla, Drupal are all content management systems built for people to make changes to their sites who may not know about web-based languages such as HTML.

What’s the problem with going generic?

They’re generally okay but with the availability of plug-ins and with most of these content management systems being made for generic use you can expect to find features that you may not ever use. You should be aware though that these features will be taking load on the server which is powering your site.

Bespoke CMS?

Alternatives to a generic CMS?

If you wanted to have more security, a quicker site than your competitors using WordPress then you’d be more suited to a bespoke CMS. No generic non-useful features, no plugins with too many extra features and over-bloated code. Just simple quick and secure.

You want extras?

With a bespoke CMS the web is your oyster. One of the many things we offer to our clients with their website is a CMS that can be expanded upon in the future. This is beneficial because as your business grows your CMS can grow with it. You can have your fast CMS that can grow into a fully fledged portal for your business. One that will allow you to modify content on your site as well as lookup clients, send and record invoices and upload files to your file server while you’re away from the office.

To find out more about having a bespoke website with a bespoke CMS please get in touch today!

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